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Tal’fin leaders academy training

The Tal’fin Leaders Academy Training is a 6-day online program focused on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), and gender equality, with a special emphasis on empowering young people and minority groups.

The 2021 edition embarked 15 dynamic young Moroccans into the world of human rights framework, covering diverse topics such as LGBTIQ identities, women’s reproductive health and rights, universal human rights, structural discrimination, and the intricacies of intersectionality.

Participants were encouraged to reflect on and share their understanding of terms such as Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Gender Equality. The sessions focused on the understanding of sexual and gender identities, encompassing their histories, definitions, and evolution within global human rights frameworks and queer-feminist activism. Language nuances were highlighted, considering both standard Arabic in the MENA region and Moroccan dialects.

Intersectionality took center stage in subsequent sessions, unraveling how different forms of discrimination intersect and affect individuals’ lives. Participants explored their own identities and engaged in meaningful discussions about discrimination, privilege, and the complex interplay of intersecting identities.

The training also focused on project proposal writing, equipping participants with the essential skills for designing projects addressing challenges faced by youth and minorities in Morocco. Participants actively brainstormed and presented potential project ideas, receiving constructive feedback and guidance.